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llm_first Aggregate Function

The llm_first function is used to extract the first matching result that satisfies a condition defined by a model's prompt and column data. It operates across rows, typically combined with a GROUP BY clause, to return the first relevant row for each group.

1. Usage Examples

1.1. Example without GROUP BY

Retrieve the first relevant product feature across all rows:

SELECT llm_first(
{'model_name': 'gpt-4'},
{'prompt': 'What is the most relevant detail for these products, based on their names and descriptions?'},
{'product_name': product_name, 'product_description': product_description}
) AS first_product_feature
FROM products;

Description: This query returns the first relevant feature from all product descriptions and product names, based on the provided prompt.

1.2. Example with GROUP BY

Retrieve the first relevant product feature for each product category:

SELECT category,
{'model_name': 'gpt-4'},
{'prompt': 'What is the most relevant detail for these products, based on their names and descriptions?'},
{'product_name': product_name, 'product_description': product_description}
) AS first_product_feature
FROM products
GROUP BY category;

Description: The query groups the products by category and returns the first relevant feature for each group.

1.3. Using a Named Prompt with GROUP BY

Use a reusable prompt, such as "first-relevant-detail", to extract the first relevant feature for each product category:

SELECT category,
{'model_name': 'gpt-4', 'secret_name': 'product_key'},
{'prompt_name': 'first-relevant-detail', 'version': 1},
{'product_name': product_name, 'product_description': product_description}
) AS first_product_feature
FROM products
GROUP BY category;

Description: This example leverages a named prompt (first-relevant-detail) to extract the first relevant feature for each product category. The query groups the results by category.

1.4. Advanced Example with Multiple Columns and GROUP BY

Retrieve the first relevant feature for products grouped by category, using both the product name and description:

WITH product_info AS (
SELECT category, product_name, product_description
FROM products
WHERE category = 'Electronics'
SELECT category,
{'model_name': 'gpt-4'},
{'prompt': 'What is the most relevant detail for these products, based on their names and descriptions?'},
{'product_name': product_name, 'product_description': product_description}
) AS first_product_feature
FROM product_info
GROUP BY category;

Description: This query extracts the first relevant feature from both the product_name and product_description columns, grouped by product category (in this case, electronics).

2. Input Parameters

2.1 Model Configuration

  • Parameter: model_name and secret_name

2.1.1 Model Selection

  • Description: Specifies the model used for text generation.
  • Example:
    { 'model_name': 'gpt-4' }

2.1.2 Model Selection with Secret

  • Description: Specifies the model along with the secret name to be used for authentication when accessing the model.
  • Example:
    { 'model_name': 'gpt-4', 'secret_name': 'your_secret_name' }

2.2. Prompt Configuration

Two types of prompts can be used:

  1. Inline Prompt

    • Directly provides the prompt in the query.
    • Example:
      {'prompt': 'What is the most relevant detail for these products, based on their names and descriptions?'}
  2. Named Prompt

    • Refers to a pre-configured prompt by name.
    • Example:
      {'prompt_name': 'first-relevant-detail'}
  3. Named Prompt with Version

    • Refers to a specific version of a pre-configured prompt.
    • Example:
      {'prompt_name': 'first-relevant-detail', 'version': 1}

2.3. Column Mappings (Optional)

  • Key: Column mappings.
  • Purpose: Maps table columns to prompt variables for input.
  • Example:
    {'product_name': product_name, 'product_description': product_description}

3. Output

  • Type: JSON object.
  • Behavior: The function returns a JSON object containing the values of the columns you provided in the input. The structure of the returned JSON will mirror the input columns' values.

Output Example:
For a query that extracts the first relevant feature, the result could look like:

  • Input Rows:

    • product_name: "Wireless Headphones"
    • product_description: "High-quality wireless headphones with noise cancellation."
  • Output JSON:

    "product_name": "Wireless Headphones",
    "product_description": "High-quality wireless headphones with noise cancellation."

The output contains the values for product_name and product_description from the first relevant row based on the prompt.