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llm_rerank Aggregate Function

The llm_rerank aggregate function implements progressive reranking using a sliding window strategy, as introduced by Xueguang Ma et al. (2023) in their paper Zero-Shot Listwise Document Reranking with a Large Language Model. This approach addresses the input length limitations of transformer-based models, which can only process a fixed number of tokens at a time (e.g., 16,384 tokens for gpt-4o). When tasked with reranking a list of documents that exceeds the model's token limit, the function uses a sliding window mechanism to progressively rank subsets of documents.

1. Function Overview

llm_rerank is designed to rank a list of documents or rows based on the relevance to a given prompt. When the list length exceeds the model's input limit, the function uses a sliding window strategy to progressively rerank the documents:

1.1. Window Size

The model ranks a fixed number of documents (e.g., m documents) at a time.

1.2. Sliding Window

After ranking the last m documents, the window shifts towards the list's beginning by half its size (m/2) and repeats.

1.3. Top-Ranking

This ensures the most relevant documents reach the top quickly, enhancing the relevance of top results.

While this approach does not fully reorder the entire list, it is effective in improving the top-ranked results by iteratively ranking smaller subsets of documents.

2. Usage Examples

2.1. Example without GROUP BY

Rerank documents based on their relevance to a given query:

SELECT llm_rerank(
{'model_name': 'gpt-4'},
{'prompt': 'Rank these documents based on their relevance to the search query using the document title and content.'},
{'document_title': document_title, 'document_content': document_content}
) AS reranked_documents
FROM documents;

This query will return the documents ordered by relevance based on the provided prompt.

2.2. Example with GROUP BY

Rerank documents for each category based on their relevance:

SELECT category,
{'model_name': 'gpt-4'},
{'prompt': 'Rank these documents based on their relevance to the search query using the document title and content.'},
{'document_title': document_title, 'document_content': document_content}
) AS reranked_documents
FROM documents
GROUP BY category;

In this case, the query groups documents by category and reranks them within each category based on relevance.

2.3. Using a Named Prompt with GROUP BY

Use a reusable prompt such as "document-ranking" to rank documents based on relevance to a specific query:

SELECT category,
{'model_name': 'gpt-4', 'secret_name': 'school_key'},
{'prompt_name': 'document-ranking', 'version': 1},
{'document_title': document_title, 'document_content': document_content}
) AS reranked_documents
FROM documents
GROUP BY category;

2.4. Advanced Example

Use the llm_rerank function to rerank documents based on their content:

WITH ranked_documents AS (
SELECT document_title, document_content
FROM documents
WHERE category = 'AI'
SELECT llm_rerank(
{'model_name': 'gpt-4'},
{'prompt': 'Rank these documents based on their relevance to the search query using the document title and content.'},
{'document_title': document_title, 'document_content': document_content}
) AS reranked_documents
FROM ranked_documents;

This example will rerank the documents within the defined subset.

3. Input Parameters

3.1 Model Configuration

  • Parameter: model_name and secret_name

3.1.1 Model Selection

  • Description: Specifies the model used for text generation.
  • Example:
    { 'model_name': 'gpt-4' }

3.1.2 Model Selection with Secret

  • Description: Specifies the model along with the secret name to be used for authentication when accessing the model.
  • Example:
    { 'model_name': 'gpt-4', 'secret_name': 'your_secret_name' }

3.2. Prompt Configuration

Two types of prompts can be used:

  1. Inline Prompt

    • Directly provides the prompt in the query.
    • Example:
      {'prompt': 'Rank these documents based on their relevance to the search query using the document title and content.'}
  2. Named Prompt

    • Refers to a pre-configured prompt by name.
    • Example:
      {'prompt_name': 'document-ranking'}
  3. Named Prompt with Version

    • Refers to a specific version of a pre-configured prompt.
    • Example:
      {'prompt_name': 'document-ranking', 'version': 1}

3.3. Column Mappings (Optional)

  • Key: Column mappings.
  • Purpose: Maps table columns to prompt variables for input.
  • Example:
    {'document_title': document_title, 'document_content': document_content}

4. Output

  • Type: JSON object.
  • Behavior: The function returns a JSON object containing the reranked documents, ordered by relevance to the prompt. The structure of the returned JSON will mirror the input columns' values.

Output Example:
For a query that reranks documents based on relevance, the result could look like:

  • Input Rows:

    • document_title: "Introduction to AI"
    • document_content: "This document covers the basics of artificial intelligence."
  • Output JSON:

    "document_title": "Introduction to AI",
    "document_content": "This document covers the basics of artificial intelligence."
    "document_title": "Advanced AI Techniques",
    "document_content": "This document explores advanced topics in AI."

The output contains the documents ordered by relevance based on the prompt.