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Setting Up and Using Ollama

1. Prerequisites

  1. Install Ollama: Ensure Ollama is installed. If not, download it from the Ollama download page.
  2. Download the Model: Confirm that the required model is available on your system.

Here’s the modified section for configuring the Ollama URL:

2. Configuring Your Ollama URL

Specify the Ollama URL using the DuckDB secret manager. Use the following query:


In this example, Ollama is running locally, and the default URL is For more details, refer to the secret management section.

3. Adding an Ollama Model

Register your Ollama model in the model manager with this query:

CREATE MODEL('llama-model', 'llama3.2', 'ollama', {"context_window": 128000, "max_output_tokens": 2048});

For more information on managing models, refer to the model management section.

4. Practical Example

Generate product descriptions using the llama-model for entries in a products table:

SELECT llm_complete(
{'model_name': 'llama-model'},
{'prompt': 'Generate a description for the next product based on its product name.'},
{'product_name': product_name}
) AS product_description
FROM products;